Saturday, August 31, 2024

Weekend Favs August 31st

Weekend Favs August 31st written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.

I don’t go into depth about the finds, but I encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from an online source or one I took on the road.

  • helps you find and verify professional email addresses, making it easier to connect with potential leads or partners.
  • enables you to create versatile, customizable forms and surveys without needing coding skills, streamlining data collection and automation.
  • allows you to quickly create visually appealing and professional presentations with minimal effort, offering templates and design tools to enhance your slides.

These are my weekend favs; I would love to hear about some of yours – Connect with me on Linkedin!

If you want to check out more Weekend Favs you can find them here.

from Duct Tape Marketing

Friday, August 30, 2024

Scale Your Business with Precision: A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing the Marketing Strategy Pyramid

Scale Your Business with Precision: A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing the Marketing Strategy Pyramid written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing

Want to stay ahead of your competition and keep your business growing? A solid marketing strategy and understanding the Marketing Strategy Pyramid are key.

With AI evolving fast, attention spans shrinking, social media algorithms constantly changing, unpredictable ad costs, and tighter privacy rules, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest "quick fixes."

But what your business—or your clients' businesses—really needs is a steady guiding light to stay on track. That’s where the Marketing Strategy Pyramid comes in.

You can catch the podcast episode here if you would rather listen to me talk about the Marketing Strategy Pyramid.

What is Marketing Strategy?

It’s easy to get tangled in the jargon of marketing tactics, but at its core, a marketing strategy is the master plan that sets the direction for how your business will compete and stand out in the marketplace.

For fCMOs and business owners, it's critical to not just know but to master the art of aligning these strategies with broader business objectives. 

For businesses, it’s important to prioritize strategic planning over quick fixes. Strategic planning provides the framework to make decisions that enhance long-term sustainability rather than just immediate gains.

If I were to give marketing strategy an emotional definition, it's how you will place the flag in the sand to say, “Here's how we're going to dominate.” But that probably isn’t helpful in understanding how to create a successful marketing strategy. That is why I built the Marketing Strategy Pyramid.

The Marketing Strategy Pyramid

Think of the Marketing Strategy Pyramid as your roadmap for integrating comprehensive strategies with your business’s key goals. The Marketing Strategy Pyramid shows that there is no one magic marketing strategy or marketing tactic. It's really about integration, and that's what we do for clients, something we call Strategy First. 

The Marketing Strategy Pyramid has five layers to it, and the middle three layers are really the marketing strategy component and everything rests on the overarching business strategy.

3 Core Components of the Marketing Strategy Pyramid:

  • Business Strategy: This is the bedrock that focuses on growth, dominating your market, and retaining clients.
  • Marketing Strategy: This layer is the heart of the operation, including brand, growth, and customer strategies.
  • Team Strategy: The capstone that ensures your strategies are executed flawlessly by your team.

When we come in to work with a client, the main thing we are there to do is develop the marketing strategy and then the list of tactics to employ that strategy, but everything is based on the overarching business objectives. So if growth is a business objective, if dominance in a market is a business objective if retention of clients is a business objective, then the marketing strategy is built around that and only that to begin with.

Business Strategy

The foundation of all of this is the business strategy, which sets the stage for every tactical decision.

For example, the very first thing we do in working with a client is try to understand where they're going, try to understand the profit that they want to make in this business, try to understand the market share that they want to enjoy before we ever start really suggesting anything.

And unfortunately, very few marketers actually take that approach. Very few business owners actually take that approach. They want to hire a marketer to generate some leads, and that usually leads them to doing a whole bunch of different tactics that they shouldn't be doing and takes them away from focusing on the things that are actually going to allow them to meet their marketing objectives and drive real growth.

Developing a Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy is the meat of the Marketing Strategy Pyramid and consists of brand, growth, and customer strategies. These three elements reflect the comprehensive journey a customer takes with your business.

At Duct Tape Marketing, we believe this is how a customer or a lead effectively moves through a business. These three elements reflect the marketing journey inside of the marketing strategy. 

Often, people end their marketing strategy with a clever tagline, colors, and logos, and they call it a day. But what I want to suggest is a marketing strategy actually runs through the entire customer journey. 

We use something called the Marketing Hourglass. It’s a tool we use to reinforce this idea of the customer journey. 

The Real Brand Strategy

Brand strategy is where we will help identify who makes an ideal customer, narrow the focus, and define the products and services the customer is looking for. 

We also are going to focus a great deal of attention on messaging. Are we promising to solve that ideal customer's biggest problem as opposed to, here's what we sell, so nobody cares what we sell; they want their problems solved.

  • Narrowing Focus: Pinpoint your ideal customer to tailor your marketing efforts directly to them.

  • Defining Offerings: Clarify what you provide that specifically solves your customers' problems.

  • Messaging: Shift the conversation from what you sell to how you solve their biggest headaches.

For example, consider Cedar Ridge Retreat Homes, who came to us facing significant challenges in marketing their luxury home-building services. Their previous marketing efforts failed to resonate, leaving their brand message unclear and poorly aligned with their business objectives. 

Through our "Strategy First" process, we pinpointed their ideal customer and crafted a resonant brand identity that emphasized retreat spaces over generic rentals. This strategic pivot not only clarified their offerings but positioned Cedar Ridge for substantial growth in their niche market.

Brand strategy development also includes things like how we want to be perceived. Are we fun? Are we very serious? Are we analytical? This drives all of your content. Lastly, many people put this first, we want to make sure that the names, colors, graphics, logos and things all support the message and the brand promise are aligned. That is all the first part of marketing strategy.

Strategy First Marketing Graphic

Formulating a Growth Strategy

The second part is the growth strategy. What are the tactics we're going to use to attract, build trust, get people to try and buy from us? 

The growth strategy includes all of the communication and content designed to move people through the Marketing Hourglass stages. Certainly, it's advertising and all the things that create awareness. It should also be about building trust and facilitating a seamless buying experience.

  • Content and Advertising: Use these tools to educate and engage potential customers.

  • Sales Processes: Create processes that are as streamlined as they are effective.

By staying attuned to the current landscape, we, as fractional CMOs, can pinpoint the opportunities and challenges that will shape the success of our strategies. For instance, if we observe a rising trend in video content consumption and it aligns with the business strategy, it’s essential to weave video marketing into our growth plans to effectively capture and engage our client’s target audience.

Building a Customer Strategy

After the sale, the real work begins. Your customer strategy should aim to turn first-time buyers into lifelong fans and advocates. This includes:

  • Onboarding: Make their first experience with your brand unforgettable.

  • Customer Engagement: Keep the dialogue going and the relationship growing.

  • Referral Programs: Use satisfied customers to bring in new ones. I wrote an entire book on referrals called “The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself” that covers this topic extensively. 

Our past customers are often our best customers. Did you know 80% of a company's revenue comes from just 20% of its existing customers? 

By investing in these customer loyalty strategies, you can build a base of devoted customers who drive sustainable growth for your business.

Implementing a Team Strategy

So their overarching business builds on this business strategy, has marketing strategy in the middle, and the cherry on top is the team strategy. 

The team is there for the execution. You build it (business strategy), communicate it (marketing strategy), and execute on it (team strategy). 

Team strategy includes:

  • Team Alignment: Ensure everyone is on the same page and fully equipped to deliver.

  • Training and Development: Keep your team sharp and informed with regular training.

  • Culture: Cultivate a team culture that attracts and retains top talent, emphasizing values that elevate both the company and its clients.

As a business owner, the team also allows you to scale efficiently and effectively.

 "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

For fCMOs and business owners, a well-crafted marketing strategy is more than a set of tactics. It’s a comprehensive system that threads through every layer of your business. By leveraging a structured approach like the marketing strategy pyramid, you can align your business goals with your marketing efforts to drive real, sustainable growth.

Visit for insights and tools to understand your or your clients' marketing strategy and ultimately grow your business.

Navigating this journey isn’t just about knowing what to do; it’s about making strategic moves that make sense for your business. 

from Duct Tape Marketing

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Why AI Continues to Suck at Original Content?

Why AI Continues to Suck at Original Content? written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing

The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast with John Jantsch

In this episode of The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I talk about the elusive: Content. What it is, What it’s been, and where it’s going. In other words, Air, King, and now AI-generated?

I refer to content not as a tactic but as the voice of strategy. But how can AI be used effectively in content creation?

With the approach of producing ‘Pillar Content’ and breaking it into subtopics. The best use of many AI tools is to ‘produce good content in the easiest way possible,’ which is video—producing and repurposing it into various formats.

I also discuss the ‘Content Sprint Methodology,’ which involves using AI to generate additional assets based on the original content.


Key Takeaways

  • Content is essential for building trust and authority.
  • AI can be a valuable tool for content creation, but it is best used to generate ideas and enhance original content.
  • Producing pillar content and breaking it into subtopics is an effective strategy for creating valuable and relevant content.
  • Using AI to create videos and repurpose content can save time and effort in content production.
  • The content sprint methodology involves starting with original content and using AI to generate additional assets



[00:00] The Importance of Content in Marketing
[00:57] Using AI Effectively in Content Creation
[02:23] AI’s Limitations in Producing Original Content
[04:34] Producing Pillar Content and Subtopics
[05:58] Repurposing Content with AI
[08:48] The Content Sprint Methodology


This episode was brought to you by:



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work in sync with your team all on one canvas, and reuse templates, widgets, and sections across sites. Create a client kit for seamless handovers and leverage best-in-class SEO defaults across all your Wix sites.


John Jantsch (00:00): I don't believe that AI today is very good at producing original content. I use it all the time for ideation for like, what did I miss? Are there things that I should be saying here? Is there a research statistics to back this up? So I use it in that manner when I'm creating content, but here's the way that we produce content. Hello and welcome to another episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. This is John Jantsch, and you got it. Another solo show, just me and the microphone. So I want to talk about content today. I used to stand on stages and say, content is king. Remember that? And then everybody got the message and really, content became air, really have to have it to play. Today, pretty much every single industry, obviously there are a lot of industries that realize education, building trust, building authority, those are things that go hand in hand with marketing, period.

(00:54): But pretty much every industry today, regardless, local businesses, construction businesses, plumbers need to have content today. And I actually refer to content, not as a tactic, but as the voice of strategy. Alright, with all of that set up, I want to talk about something I'm seeing a lot of right now. AI is a tool that certainly offers a lot of promise around the idea of content. Some people actually say it can produce all your content for you. However, I believe that what I see a lot of people doing is using content or using AI in some of the various new tools in the wrong way. And I think actually backwards would be how I would refer to it. I was in a presentation the other day and somebody was demonstrating some AI tools, and really it's pretty easy. I'm kind of geek out on the coolness of some of the things that some of the AI tools can do and will increasingly be able to do.

(01:50): Kind of creepy. Cool, I suppose in some regards. But one of the things that I see a lot of people doing is there are now these tools out there that you can train to produce video with your avatar. It'll look like you, it will talk like you sort of. And so what people are doing is they're now just writing content or having AI create content, create scripts, feed it into this tool, and all of a sudden, voila, I've got video produced by ai. But then they spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to get it to sound like them, to say the things that they say, to have the tone that they have, even to be able to pronounce words in their industry the right way. And I think that while, like I said, there's some coolness factor to it to be able to, I mean, I've seen people actually go and produce entire podcast with a host and a guest.

(02:44): Neither one of them actually does it. They produce a script, they produce the answers to the questions, they produce the podcast. And while it is one of those things that's like, look what we did because we can, I'm not sure it's, look what we did because we should. And here's the main reason. I don't believe that AI today is very good at producing original content. I use it all the time for ideation for what did I miss? Are there things that I should be saying here? Is there a research statistics to back this up? So I use it in that manner when I'm creating content, but here is the way that we produce content, and this is really more of a how to, not necessarily the structure of the content, but I'll spend a minute on that. We produce what we call pillar content. So we come up with once a quarter, three core themes, and these are going to be themes that we know are ideal client or clients are looking for information on.

(03:37): And if they find it, I guess is another way of saying if they find this content and read it, it's going to be useful in helping them understand why they might want to work with us. That's sort of the filter, I guess. It's not just, well, here, we should write about this trendy thing or that trendy thing. It's what's our core pillar content. It's my pleasure to welcome a new sponsor to the podcast. Our friends at ActiveCampaign. ActiveCampaign helps small teams power big businesses with the must have platform for intelligent marketing automation. We've been using ActiveCampaign for years here at Duct Tape Marketing to power our subscription forms, email newsletters, and sales funnel drip campaigns. ActiveCampaign is that rare platform that's affordable, easy to use, and capable of handling even the most complex marketing automation needs. And they make it easy to switch. They provide every new customer with one-on-one personal training and free migrations from your current marketing automation or email marketing provider.

(04:36): You can try ActiveCampaign for free for 14 days and there's no credit card required. Just visit tape. That's right, duct Tape Marketing podcast listeners who sign up via that link. We'll also receive 15% off an annual plan. That's tape. Now, this offer is limited to new active campaign customers only. So what are you waiting for? Fuel your growth, boost revenue, and save precious time by upgrading to ActiveCampaign today. Hey, digital marketers, this one's for you. I've got 30 seconds to tell you about Wix Studio, the web platform for agencies and enterprises. So here are a few things that you can do in 30 seconds or less when you manage projects on Wix Studio. Work in sync with your team all on one canvas, reuse templates, widgets and sections across sites. Create a client kit for seamless handovers and leverage best in class SEO defaults across all your Wix sites.

(05:39): Alright, time's up, but the list keeps going. Why don't you step into Wix studio to see more? Now we'll take that core pillar content and we'll break it down into subtopics. And so for example, once we determine what that content is, some of the AI tools, the GPTs out there are really great, frankly at creating outlines. What are the subtopics that would go under this? I mean, you put in any industry and it's pretty good at actually saying, here are the important things to know about any industry. So we actually do this same thing with clients. And if you're out there thinking, how am I going to produce all this? Or you're an agency that says, how can I produce all this for my clients? This is an exact approach that we teach or in some cases just do for our clients that are trying to build brand and build authority.

(06:27): So at the end of this, if you would like to know more about how we might be able to do that for you, it's just is where I always tell people, just write to me and we'll see what we can put together for you. But after we produce that topic list, then here is how we employ ai. I actually create videos just like if you're watching this on YouTube, just like this one. I just stand in front of a microphone and I riff on the topic for five, 10 minutes. And when we have clients, we actually just interview them and let them riff for five or 10 minutes on the topic and we can coach them that way and get great video. But here's what we get from that. First off, we generally speaking, get good content well, or at least it's original content.

(07:12): It is from my thinking, it is from my point of view, it is the jargon that I use, the terminology or citing our own IP is going to show up in that video. So that's a great starting point, but it also is an incredible way to train then an AI tool on how I speak, how I pause, how often I say there's so many things that can be gained really just by having that original video on top of, as I said, the real starting point there is that we have good high quality original content. So I might actually just pick out one day and spend 60, 90 minutes and record 10 of these videos, which will then give my team enough ammo, frankly, to produce all the social posts, email newsletters, original videos, of course snippets. From that video. We employ all those tools to actually repurpose the content.

(08:07): And I think frankly, right now, today in what are we, almost in September of 2024, that is the best use of many of the AI tools is to produce good original content in the easiest way possible, which to me is video a lot easier than banging out a thousand words. I can talk all day long, A lot of the folks that we work with that remodeling contractor, getting them to write anything would be next to impossible, but getting them to talk for an hour about what they believe, what their process is, how to get the best out of this, new trends in appliances. I mean, they can talk for days on these. So it allows us to really capture a ton of original content and then we turn it into everything, including blog posts, of course, snippets of video I already mentioned LinkedIn posts, Facebook posts, X posts, Instagram reels.

(09:03): There's just so many things that we can produce when we start with this video first. But then we can also take some of those videos and stack them. And now we've got, we can actually use the AI to say, create a course, take these 10 videos and create a course out of them. Obviously we had some thought into what the titles were and the topic and the through line of the 10 videos, but it can actually produce a complete course outline, complete with questions, complete with quizzes, complete with checklists. And so we can create lead capture devices out of that. So we'll take a checklist or two, we'll take a tool or two, and we will actually put it into the GPT and say, here, fill this out, complete this. Give me examples, samples. So we have something we call the marketing snapshot, which is our version of a marketing plan, kind of all on one page.

(09:54): Well, I can upload that tool that we've created and ask the GPT to fill it in for X industry, in fact, for 10 different industries. And all of a sudden now we've got samples that people can relate to and really maybe more thoroughly understand. So if you start my whole point, if you start with this original content in your voice or in your client's voice, you can then work backwards tremendously producing all kinds of iterations of that good original content that's in your voice, in your point of view, in your tone, using your industry jargon. So instead of thinking, how can I create these avatars to talk like me, talk like you, and use the transcript of that, which pretty much every one of these tools now produces right off the bat, use the transcript of that. Then to go out and produce all kinds of other assets.

(10:49): We call this the content sprint methodology. It's something, as I said that we do for ourself, but we also do it for pretty much all of our clients, either inside of a full engagement or as a standalone. We'd be happy to do it for you as well. So that's it for today. Use AI the right way. Use it for good. Hopefully we're running into you one of these days out there on the road. Don't forget, we love those reviews as well. If you've got any questions, comments, feedback, That's DU CT A PE All right, take care.

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from Duct Tape Marketing

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

(Un)Limiting Beliefs

(Un)Limiting Beliefs written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing


 The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast with John Jantsch

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I aim to stir the pot in yet another solo show by sharing a distinct and uncommon point of view (or five) in marketing.

I’ve never really understood the insane popularity of Simon Sinek’s ‘Find your why notion.‘ I mean, it’s been said before, right? Maybe even better. My why is: Why is that particular video so popular?!

Regardless, Marketers often make marketing too complicated anyway. Fun fact: complexity in marketing is just disguised incompetence. Chasing trends is a recipe for failure, and you shouldn’t just repurpose your content but make it purposeful.

I also draw special attention to the significance of customer experience as the true differentiator and the importance of measuring marketing effectiveness. Stick around for 10 minutes of me crossing the line between fact and opinion as I share all I learned in my experience in the industry in a few words of wisdom, all in one belief system that you can adopt to run your agency better.


Key Takeaways (Or What I Believe)

  • Share a distinct and uncommon point of view about your business and its offerings to differentiate yourself in the market.
  • Focus on solving your ideal client’s problems rather than just promoting your products or services.
  • Create purposeful content and use marketing automation to personalize your interactions with customers.
  • Build long-term relationships with customers and prioritize customer experience as the true differentiator.
  • Measure the effectiveness of your marketing activities to avoid wasting time and money.
  • Use data to gain insights and make informed decisions.
  • Avoid unnecessary complexity in marketing and strive for simplicity and clarity.



[00:00] Introduction and the Need for a Distinct Point of View
[03:25] Solving Problems and Building Relationships
[05:48] The True Differentiator: Customer Experience
[06:45] Measuring Marketing Effectiveness and the Importance of Data
[07:44] Avoiding Complexity in Marketing



This episode was brought to you by:


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John Jantsch (00:00): Complexity in marketing is just disguised incompetence. I believe that marketers make marketing too complicated and that chasing trends is a recipe for failure that no one cares about our products or services. They care about their problems getting those problems solved.

(00:20): Hello and welcome to another episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. This is John Jantsch and no guest again today. As you can see on the screen, if you're watching the videos, just me solo podcast. So let's call this one What I believe that's the name of this episode. I was listening to a presentation on strategy and authority the other day, and really no surprise, that old chestnut of finding your why was mentioned as part of strategy and authority building. They talked about something that I think is a needed twist in this conversation. As a side note, I've never really understood the insane popularity of Simon Sinek's Find Your Why Notion.

(01:01): I mean, other people had said that, hadn't they? I mean, why is that particular video so popular? But I digress, and frankly, it's mostly jealousy. So let's move on. Alright, so finding your why that conversation mostly centers around purpose and beliefs. Sharing with the world that you believe, I don't know, cats and dogs both deserve love or that the use or not use of the wildly divisive Oxford comma hurts no one. Or maybe even that you believe something universal. We should all love our neighbors. I mean, none of that is a bad thing, but I think those are things that might attract your ideal client, but I think they're kind of nice to have when somebody's considering buying from you. I mean, obviously the opposite. I hate kittens. That's not a, that's actually going to drive things away. But again, I think that those are, a lot of people focus there and that's great.

(02:02): Having core beliefs inside of a business I think are great. But I think that there's incredible brand value in sharing what you believe, especially, or in additionally when you share the distinct and perhaps not so common point of view about what your business does, how it's different. I mean, it's the unique value and say it in ways that are beliefs that are really kind of attacking an enemy almost so that some percentage of the market's out there going, yeah, I not only believe that, but I hate it when people do X. So I think this is how you can start to differentiate your business in ways that addresses the problems that your ideal clients are trying to solve. So with that in mind, I'm going to give you an example, but I also hope to start some fights. I hope that I hear from listeners on this who either agree or wildly disagree with these ideas because I think that there is value in both of those.

(03:06): I'm not saying that I intentionally believe we should all create fights or that we should all create division or polarize markets, but I do think that if there's not a tinge of, Hey, I believe that, or Hey, I don't believe that there's not a tinge of emotion in what you say to people about what you do and why you do it, then we're probably missing the mark. Hey, digital marketers, this one's for you. I've got 30 seconds to tell you about Wix Studio, the web platform for agencies and enterprises. So here are a few things that you can do in 30 seconds or less when you manage projects on Wix Studio. Work in sync with your team all on one canvas, reuse templates, widgets, and sections across sites. Create a client kit for seamless handovers and leverage best in class SEO defaults across all your Wix sites.

(04:00): Alright, time's up, but the list keeps going. Why don't you step into Wix studio to see more AI might be the most important new computer technology ever. It's storming every industry and literally billions of dollars are being invested. So buckle up. The problem is that AI needs a lot of speed and processing power. So how do you compete without cost spiraling out of control? It's time to upgrade to the next generation of the cloud. Oracle Cloud infrastructure or O-C-I-O-C-I is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. OCI has four to eight times the bandwidth of other clouds offers one consistent price instead of a variable regional pricing. And of course, nobody does data better than Oracle. So now you can train your AI models at twice the speed and less than half of the cost of other clouds. If you want to do more and spend less like Uber eight by eight and Databricks Mosaic, take a free test slash duct tape.

(05:07): That's tape tape. So here I go. We sell marketing strategy. People hire us to create a marketing strategy to implement that plan in many cases and to help them build a brand, help them grow that brand, help them create more customer loyalty and retention. But I would like to believe that everything we do comes with the following point of view. I believe that marketers make marketing too complicated and that chasing trends is a recipe for failure that no one cares about our products or services. They care about their problems and getting those problems solved. Creativity without strategy is art. Sorry, graphic designers. But without strategy. It's not marketing content without purpose is just noise. And boy, are we seeing a lot of noise these days. AI is making it very easy to create content without purpose. Marketing. Automation without personalization is spam. I'm guilty of this.

(06:14): I understand that it's wrong. It's just hard. So a lot of what we try to focus on is not just using these tools. How can we use them to personalize long-term? Relationships matter so much more than quick wins. So you stay in business for any amount of time and you will come to really appreciate that. One. Engagement without conversion is vanity. You see so many people just trying to build up their Facebook profile. I've got so many likes, so many followers. So there's a place for all of that. But without conversion or without at least the thought of why we're doing this for conversion, it's simply vanity. Customer experience to me is the only true differentiator. So what I mean by that is so many people are out there trying to find their difference, their unique thing. We're the purple people or we deliver faster than anyone else, whatever their kind of thing, that can be a competitive advantage.

(07:13): But what we sometimes forget is how the customer experiences. That differentiator is what actually makes it valuable. What actually makes it a true differentiator? If you're not measuring, you're guessing, sorry, another one that's hard. But if we're not measuring the effectiveness of all of our marketing activity, we are just guessing. Sometimes we guess, right? But sometimes we guess horribly wrong and don't realize it wastes tons and tons of money. Tons and tons of time. And last one, ending on a data note. Data without insights is useless. How many marketing firms just throw out a report monthly report because they said they would to their clients? And without any kind of insight into why any of this matters, does any of this lead to or to us meeting our business objectives? Pretty useless. And then finally, I'm going to end on a harsh one. Complexity in marketing is just disguised incompetence.

(08:10): I think in a lot of cases there are marketers out there that want marketing to seem odd, SEO to be this really strange science that nobody can understand, and some of that really has to do with the fact that they can get away with murder when they do it's disguised incompetence. So those are some of our whys. Those are some of what goes into those beliefs inform pretty much everything we do. At least I hope they do. It's not perfect, but it's the goal. It's how we fulfill our unique point of view that marketing is simple when marketing is a system. So I'm going to leave you with the words of the well-known brand strategist, Dolly Parton. Here's our job. Find out who you are and go be it. So I hope that I stirred the pot a little bit here. I hope to hear from you, John, at duct tape Obviously, if you're somebody who owns a business out there and you're thinking, Hey, that all made sense to me, maybe I should talk to them about how we can get our marketing system, reach out, All right, take care out there. Hopefully we'll see you one day soon. Out there on the road.

Testimonial (09:33): I was like, I founded. This is what I've been looking for. I can honestly say it has genuinely changed the way I run my business. It's changed the results that I'm seeing. It's changed my engagement with clients. It's changed my engagement with the team. I couldn't be happier. Honestly. It's the best investment I ever made.

John Jantsch (09:49): What you just heard was a testimonial from a recent graduate of the Duct Tape Marketing certification intensive program for fractional CMOs marketing agencies and consultants just like them. You could choose our system to move from vendor to trusted advisor, attract only ideal clients, and confidently present your strategies to build monthly recurring revenue. Visit to book your free advisory. Call and learn more. It's time to transform your approach. Book your call today, DTM.World/Scale.


from Duct Tape Marketing

Monday, August 26, 2024

Weekend Favs August 24th

Weekend Favs August 24th written by Jordan E read more at Duct Tape Marketing

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.

I don’t go into depth about the finds, but I encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from an online source or one I took on the road.

  • ClickUp: an all-in-one productivity platform designed to help teams and individuals manage tasks, projects, and workflows efficiently.

  • NapoleonCat: a social media management tool that allows users to schedule posts, manage customer interactions, and analyze performance across multiple platforms.

  • ZoomInfo SalesOS: a sales intelligence platform that provides data, insights, and automation tools to help sales teams identify and connect with potential customers effectively.

These are my weekend favs; I would love to hear about some of yours – Connect with me on Linkedin!

If you want to check out more Weekend Favs you can find them here.

from Duct Tape Marketing

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Are You Ready to Be a Fractional CMO?

Are You Ready to Be a Fractional CMO? written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing


 The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast with John Jantsch

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I do a solo show exploring the misconceptions surrounding the role of the Fractional CMO. As businesses increasingly seek scalable marketing leadership, the demand for fractional CMOs has surged. But not so much the supply. Yes, there is some interest, but there’s a lot of noise and confusion surrounding this idea. People want to learn and are learning by doing but don’t feel quite there yet. If you’re one of those people reading this, Are you ready to put that title on your LinkedIn profile?





More so;

  • What does it mean to be a Fractional CMO?
  • What are the skills required?
  • How can this role significantly impact your agency’s growth strategy?


Key Takeaways:

  • Strategic Thinking: A fractional CMO must lead with strategy, developing comprehensive marketing plans aligned with business objectives. This approach ensures that every tactic and channel contributes to the company’s long-term goals.
  • Leadership: Many businesses lack strategic marketing leadership, especially in the $3 to $30 million range. A fractional CMO fills this gap by advocating for the customer and aligning marketing efforts with the broader business strategy.
  • Technical Skills: Besides strategy, a fractional CMO must possess strong technical skills to advise on and implement marketing technologies that optimize operations and enhance efficiency.
  • Industry Knowledge: A fractional CMO needs a broad understanding of various industries and extensive marketing experience. This knowledge allows them to tailor strategies that resonate with different market segments.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: The ability to analyze data and set measurable KPIs is essential. A fractional CMO must demonstrate the impact of marketing initiatives on the company’s bottom line, proving their value through continuous improvement.



[00:38] Common Misconceptions: Where Trends don’t meet Scale

The common misconception about the role of a fractional CMO is that while the concept is trendy, the traditional model of working with a few clients part-time may not be scalable. Actually, we’re pretty sure it’s not. What’s needed is developing a more sustainable approach, one that allows fractional CMOs to serve businesses while also scaling their operations effectively.

[01:51] My Take on the Role Itself and Skills Required

Strategic thinking, leadership, and industry knowledge are critical components of the role. Understanding a business’s goals and aligning marketing strategies accordingly is essential, rather than just executing tactics.

[05:44] One word: Branding!

A world where traditional lead generation tactics like SEO and social media advertising are frankly becoming more challenging. a strong brand that builds trust and connects with buyers will be key to success in the coming decade.

[09:15] Leadership

In other words: Vision, direction setting, and aligning marketing strategies with your overarching business objectives. Leadership goes beyond just creating a plan—it’s about guiding the entire marketing function to support business growth.

[10:34] Your Customer’s Journey

Creating organized customer journeys is crucial for market expansion, and guess what? this responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of a Fractional CMO. By designing journeys that customers ACTUALLY want to follow, your business can drive growth more effectively.

[12:00] Acquisition and Retention
A fractional CMO should focus on both customer acquisition and retention. They need to generate new leads and maximize the value from existing customers through retention strategies and memorable customer experiences that lead to repeat business and referrals.

[13:18] A Holistic View

The role of a Fractional CMO isn’t just about marketing—it’s about integrating sales, customer service, and even operational aspects to ensure that the entire business is aligned and working towards common goals. This comprehensive view is essential for delivering measurable impact and long-term success. But always remember to commit to continuous learning.

[09:01] Strategy First

Lastly, Strategy First! Every engagement should start with a well-defined marketing strategy that aligns with the business’s objectives. This strategy-first mindset allows Fractional CMOs to provide clear direction and measurable results, setting the stage for successful marketing initiatives.


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John Jantsch (00:00): Brand has always been important. I believe it's going to become more important the next decade or so. Companies that develop a strong brand, a brand that helps connect with their buyer, helps build trust with their prospect, those are going to be the brands that I think Excel.

(00:15): Hello and welcome to another episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. This is John Jantsch and I'm doing a solo show today. Here's the topic. So are you ready to be a fractional CMO? Are you ready to put that title on your LinkedIn profile? That's what we're going to talk about today. There's a lot of noise around this idea, maybe some misconceptions. I want to talk about how I view this idea and whether or not the positioning makes sense for you. And I want to key in on that word positioning because to a large degree, that is one of the benefits of positioning yourself as a fractional.

(00:55): CMO should help you attract a client who is looking for strategy that wants something more than just. It also is a way for you to develop relationships with clients as a trusted advisor. So there's a lot of benefits for it. I think that there certainly are some misconceptions. The traditional role that's, frankly, it's been around 10 years, it's certainly gotten very hot and trendy right now, but the traditional role was somebody would have the experience and hang out a shingle, call themselves a fractional CMO, and they would work with maybe four clients, a fourth of their time to four different clients. Now, they might be paid really well for their time, but a pretty tough model to scale. So what we've been working on is helping agency owners, consultants, strategists, figure out a way to actually use the benefits of this model, but also to do it in a way that is scalable.

(01:50): But first, I want to talk a little bit about the skills and what I think the role is supposed to look like because what we are trying to do is I think every business, every size of business today, fractional, everything means something to them. They have hired people fractionally for a number of roles now, and so the concept of getting marketing leadership in a fractional way I think is very compelling. But I think now maybe it was companies that were over $30 million, they were maybe on the verge of hiring a CMO period and saw fractional as a way to save money. But I think the real market today is in that maybe, I don't know, three to $30 million business that was probably not going to hire a CMO at all, but realizes they have a real gap in marketing leadership. So that's really the model that we are addressing, or at least the democratization of the term, if you will, for how I view it.

(02:50): So let's talk a little bit about what I think this role involves. So in terms of skills, certainly strategic thinking. I mean, it has to be strategy first. You have to lead with that as any way somebody is going to engage you. You're not going to go in and just start diagnosing and saying, oh, you need this and this. There is going to be a period of developing strategy. I've said this word a couple of times and I think it's really key leadership. Most of the folks that I've talked about in that range of three to $30 million do not have any strategic marketing or marketing leadership period. Typically, they're very founder-driven organizations still, maybe they have a sales head of sales, but they really don't have anybody that is advocating for marketing or frankly advocating for the customer. And that's a big part of the leadership role.

(03:38): Technical skills are going to be important. Obviously, you're going to encounter firms that need a lot of things fixed that need to start adding MarTech to the current stack of technology. So somebody who can actually come in and advise on what that should look like, how to automate things, how to stop doing things manually. That to me is going to be a big part of this role. Now, there's also going to be a need for industry knowledge. Now, I don't necessarily mean that you have to niche to be the fractional CMO for a certain industry, but I think that a broad range of industry knowledge, and maybe another way to say that also is marketing experience. You've just seen a lot of things. I think that's probably key as well. I did a survey with databox and the fractional CMOs that we surveyed had, I think the greatest number was over 10 years of marketing experience.

(04:32): Now, that doesn't necessarily mean CMO roles, but marketing experience. And I think that while I don't think that's necessary, that level is necessary for every client that you might serve, there's certainly a need for some level of breadth of experience I think. So according to LinkedIn, 2022, emerging jobs report, demand and skills in data analysis, AI and strategy development are the three growing roles. So I think there are three growing needs in emerging jobs. So I think that's going to run true of this role as well. So the role itself, strategy development, creating long-term marketing plans that aligned with business goals. That's a key point here because I think there are a lot of marketers that can develop a brilliant strategy and a list of tactics and channels and campaigns that go along with it, but then somebody turns around and says, well, how does this help the business go where it wants to go?

(05:29): And so I think that's certainly an element that a fractional CMO is going to bring is let me first understand your business goals and objectives, and then I can actually develop a marketing strategy to support those and not the other way around. I believe that brand, well, brand has always been important. I believe it's going to become more important the next decade or so. The last decade, marketers got a bit lazy, frankly, because SEO, once you figured out how to make that work, it was a pretty easy way to generate leads. The social platforms were willing to sell you all the data on their users, and so consequently, you could really target with effective advertising. Both of those things are going to gradually go away or get much harder. And I think this idea of the companies that develop a strong brand, a brand that helps connect with their buyer, helps build trust with their prospect, those are going to be the brands that I think Excel.

(06:23): And that's really how we're going to have to stand out today. Most of the firms that hire you are going to want market expansion. They're going to want to grow. So having a very strong background in how to actually, and I don't know if it's so much create demand. I know a lot of people will call it create demand, but I think organized behavior, organized customer journeys that people want to go down, that to me is how we're going to expand market and then just optimizing performance. Certainly if you're going to have a seat at the C-suite table, you are going to be talking about metrics. You're going to be talking about the things that you can impact, the things that you can measure, and I think that's really going to be a key role. It's my pleasure to welcome a new sponsor to the podcast.

(07:11): Our friends at ActiveCampaign. ActiveCampaign helps small teams power big businesses with the must have platform for intelligent marketing automation. We've been using ActiveCampaign for years here at Duct Tape Marketing to power our subscription forms, email newsletters, and sales funnel drip campaigns. ActiveCampaign is that rare platform that's affordable, easy to use, and capable of handling even the most complex marketing automation needs. And they make it easy to switch. They provide every new customer with one-on-one personal training and free migrations from your current marketing automation or email marketing provider. You can try ActiveCampaign for free for 14 days and there's no credit card required. Just visit tape. That's right, duct Tape Marketing podcast listeners who sign up via that link. We'll also receive 15% off an annual plan. That's tape. Now, this offer is limited to new active campaign customers only. So what are you waiting for?

(08:14): Fuel your growth, boost revenue, and save precious time by upgrading to ActiveCampaign today. Hey, digital marketers, this one's for you. I've got 30 seconds to tell you about Wix Studio, the web platform for agencies and enterprises. So here are a few things that you can do in 30 seconds or less when you manage projects on Wix Studio. Work in sync with your team all on one canvas, reuse templates, widgets and sections across sites. Create a client kit for seamless handovers and leverage best in class SEO defaults across all your Wix sites. Alright, time's up, but the list keeps going. Why don't you step into Wix studio to see more the marketing leadership role? And this I think is probably the biggest leap for a lot of marketers because a lot of marketers felt like my job is create the plan, execute the plan, measure success and report back.

(09:12): But if we're going to add this level of marketing leadership now, I think we're talking about vision and direction setting, long-term marketing goals aligned with the business objectives, certainly focusing on competitive positioning, differentiating the brand, and what's probably going to be crowded marketplace because every marketplace is crowded According to Deloitte, only 19% of companies align their operating model with their strategy. That's going to be a big part of your job. Brand strategy is going to go beyond brand identity. It's sad, but most marketers know this, but we still talk to a lot of folks that brand is logo. It's your personality, it's your message strategy that is really going to allow you to not only differentiate, but have a prospective client say, wait a minute, you're talking about me. Why isn't anybody else addressing the problem that you're promising to solve? That goes a long way towards brand strategy and then obviously how you carry that out, how you act, how the company or how the prospect or client experiences you is all part of brand strategy.

(10:18): Harvard's business review study found that consistent brand messaging can increase revenue by up to 23%. No shocker there. Alright, optimizing growth. I mean a lot of that's going to be around channel selection, integrating campaigns, performance tracking, but let's not forget good old customer journey. I think that is a great element of this idea of optimizing growth. And it goes hand in hand I think with a brand strategy. Another stat for you pulled a whole bunch of stats together to drive home these points. Forrester reports that companies using advanced analytics to optimize marketing channels see a 15 to 20% increase in marketing. ROI. No surprise there at all. It's the hardest thing to do. It's the hardest thing to get a business excited about doing, but it might just be the difference. Data-driven, you are going to be data-driven, KPI setting teaching actually, I mean a lot of the folks that you end up working with in this role are going to be looking for somebody to come in and say, you know what?

(11:22): We need to be, we need to be tracking these things. Here are the analytics tools that we need to put in place. Here is how I can teach everyone about the marketing p and l. And that's really the way for continuous improvement. And that's a big part I think of this role or at least. And now people may not actually be out there asking for that role, but it is the role that they need. And I think somebody who can position themselves as very data-driven along with very strategic and along with bringing leadership is going to have the package. Gardner found 74% of high performing marketing teams used data analytics to make informed decisions. Alright, acquisition and retention. I think that one way that somebody is a fractional CMO is really going to set themselves apart is to not just think about lead generation. So many marketers are hyper-focused on lead generation.

(12:17): Frankly, so many business owners, I just need more leads. Well, somebody who can actually help them get more business out of their existing clientele, how to retain and get repeat business and understand how to create a better customer experience that turns into referrals. That is going to be definitely an element of how to differentiate yourself as a fractional CMO. Alright, your road to success if you will. It's going to take a very holistic view, and by that I mean we have to go beyond maybe what we think of as traditional marketing tactics and elements. We have to get into sales, we have to get into customer service. Again, if you would think about what a traditional CMO would do, they would sit in the csuite and they a meeting about what needs to happen to make marketing grow and they would be talking about all the elements across many aspects of the business, how the phone is answered.

(13:18): If we want to get completely granular. Those are things that somebody who is taking a holistic view is going to be very focused on because it all adds up to marketing. You are going to have to be able to prove your impact. My hope is that you are going to be charging much more maybe than you are today, but certainly more than somebody who's just selling packages of tactics. However, that's going to come with the price tag of being able to show measurable impact. So make sure that you are going in from the get-go saying, how do we map this to a business objectives? How do we set up the KPIs? How do I get access to the p and l so that I can understand what our cost to acquire a customer actually is? Those are things that if you're going to take this role, you have to boldly demand that you gain access to those things because it's going to be the only way for you to show measurable results and impact.

(14:19): And then lastly, you have to commit to continuous learning. One of the things that you will definitely do if you want to add value is that you will become the r and d department. Every new thing that comes along that maybe they're reading about or maybe they're hearing about in their industry meetings and things, that you're the one that is going to be the voice of reason for it. No, we don't need to follow that. Here's how we can use that. This isn't ready, this is ready. We need to go all in on this. You need to be the R department as well. And that's just going to involve a commitment to continuous learning. I'll leave you with one last statistic. Fractional CMO report in 2024 indicates that businesses with fractional CMOs are 36% more likely to achieve their long-term strategic goals that might be reason enough to pursue this avenue.

(15:16): Alright, hopefully that's given you some food for thought, would love to visit with you. We actually have a program where we teach folks who maybe are not yet calling themselves fractional CMOs, or maybe they are calling themselves factual CMOs, but they've decided they want to find a way to scale this business. We actually give them a tool called Strategy first, which is a very scripted way to create a marketing strategy that has scope. I think one of the challenges a lot of folks have is they walk into a business. The business says, I need you to be my fractional cmo. Nobody defines what that role actually involves. We are trying to define it to package it, to make it something that somebody can scale. So just go to DTM world slash growth. We've got an ebook there on what we believe is the model of the future for being a fractional CMO. Lots of other resources. You can also find out about our certification program. All right, that's it for now. Take care.

Testimonial (16:24): I was like, I founded, I founded. This is what I've been looking for. I can honestly say it has genuinely changed the way I run my business. It's changed the results that I'm seeing. It's changed my engagement with clients. It's changed my engagement with the team. I couldn't be happier. Honestly. It's the best investment I ever made. What

John Jantsch (16:41): You just heard was a testimonial from a recent graduate of the Duct Tape Marketing certification intensive program for fractional CMOs marketing agencies and consultants just like them. You could choose our system to move from vendor to trusted advisor, attract only ideal clients, and confidently present your strategies to build monthly recurring revenue. Visit DTM world slash scale to book your free advisory call and learn more. It's time to transform your approach. Book your call today, DTM World slash Scale.


from Duct Tape Marketing