When creating a marketing strategy for your company, it’s common practice to create separate strategies for different channels. For example, your marketing strategy most likely has different areas of focus around email marketing, blogging, social media marketing, and search marketing.
However, to maximize the results from your digital marketing efforts, it’s important to understand how many of these seemingly separate channels work together. In this case, let’s look at how social media marketing and blogging work best hand-in-hand.

Digital marketing is all about going where your users or target audience like to spend their time. Today that’s usually on one or more social media channels. Therefore, it’s important for your business to develop a social media marketing strategy as well as have a presence on these channels and use them to interact with your prospects and existing customers.
A blog can build awareness about your business, brand, and position you as a thought leader. A blog filled with informational content is more appealing than a bunch of ads focused on your ads and services. In this way, you develop a following who sees you as a credible source that offers value, and you can build a readership.
Social media marketing + blogging = marketing successRather than leave the two strategies separate, combine social media marketing and blogging to reach and engage with a larger audience. Consider how you can benefit by joining social media marketing and blogging with:
Blog promotion on social media
Promote blogs on your social media accounts to draw traffic to your blog. In this way, you’re curating your own content. Share and link to certain blog posts that may interest your social media followers. Doing so also makes it easy for those followers to share those posts with their social circles.
Social media account embedding
Include your social media accounts on each blog post, including hashtags and keywords that unify the content. You can also add buttons that make it easy for those who come to your blog to “retweet” a particular post.
Use aggregators
Submit your blog’s RSS feed to an RSS-feed aggregator website, which helps more people discover and follow your blog. These services are either free or low cost and provide a way to attract more social media followers and drive more traffic to your blog.
Content that fits blogs and social media
Focus on content that can work on both social media and your blog, such as how-to posts, lists, decision-driven posts (pros vs. cons), and data-driven content. User content also plays an important role. Remember that content doesn’t have to just be written content; it can also be photo and video content.
Pay close attention to comments
Although it’s possible to add comments to each blog post, most discussions occur on social media channels. Check each channel and your blog for comments that you can moderate and address, and stimulate discussion by creating Facebook or Instagram polls as well as develop Twitter chat sessions.
Enhance your blog posts with additional features
Consider using enhancements like embedded video clips, a photo gallery, memes, GIFs, and cartoons on your blog posts to further connect to readers.
Specific tips for promoting your blog on Facebook and Twitter
When you share a blog post on Facebook, the headline and meta description will be automatically imported
You’ll have to upload a visual to accompany the blog post
Boosting a post can also help it get in front of as many people as possible
Focus on evergreen content that you can repost in a few months
Specific tips for promoting your blog on Twitter
Your Twitter profile should contain the blog’s URL
Make the tweet content short that accompanies the blog post links
You don’t always have to list the blog post title. Instead, add a quote or statistic to mix it up and add interest
Also, you can join in on Twitter chats about your industry and share content from your blog and other research
In your bio, add your blog and Facebook page (since Facebook owns Instagram)
Keep the name, logo, and brand image on the Instagram account consistent with the rest of your online and social media presence
Use visuals like photos or video to announce each blog post
Keep the content brief and note that the link to the blog post is in the Instagram bio
Publish on all channels regularly
Be consistent with publishing content on your blog and social media channels so your audience knows when to check both out. Loyal visitors like that they can count on a new blog post or social media content once a day, once a week, or whatever other schedule you set. Doing so will win you repeat visitors as well as growth in your organic reach.
Continue to assess content quality and response
Always measure results of this combined effort to understand what’s working and what isn’t.
For a blog and social media to work in concert, engaging and compelling content is essential. Learn how to brush up your content creation and writing skills with “The Content Creator’s Playbook 2020 Edition.”
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